Congrats on our Anniversary!

Congratulations to the Moygownagh Rambling House stalwarts on reaching the first anniversary of the group's inseption. Thursday April 20th 2023 saw a fledgling party of three people meet at the back of St. Cormac's Church, to discuss ways in which to entice people out, to meet and connect with each other, in the aftermath of the stress and fear that evolved from the covid 19 pandemic. It was hoped that people would immerse themselves back into the company of friends and neighbours, bi-monthly, in a safe space, after living through the stringent restrictions, imposed on their former social liberties. Thank you to everyone who has embraced this ethos, by participating in song, music and banter, also to our colleagues who pampered us with their culinary treats. Your ongoing generosity is what has made our Ramblers Group a success story. Congrats on our Anniversary!

Author: Pauline Mahon