Hooley in Keenagh: A Night of Music, Storytelling and Friendship.

Our penchant for travel, camaraderie and good music; saw the Moygownagh Ramblers take a road less travelled, on Thursday Night March 13th. Using the services of the Community Bus for the first time; we headed off to a "Hooley in Keenagh". This Irish Traditional Folk Night: hosted in their Rambling House, ensconced in Scoil Néifinn, was a free event; although donations in aid of Keenagh Heart-Safe Community Group, were both welcomed and appreciated.

Congratulations are extended to the organisers of "Hooley in Keenagh" where the Moygownagh Ramblers were made feel so welcome.

The event had everything from Story Telling: Irish Ballads, American Country, Irish Step-dancing; Cajun Country, and traditional Set-dancing. The music of many instruments such as Keyboard: Banjo, Bodhrán, Accordion; Fiddle, Tin Whistle and Guitar, filled the air.

The poignant rendition by a grieving father: reciting the last writings of his daughter, The Robin in the Tree, in remembrance of her recent passing; reminded us too, of the sorrow people carry in their hearts.

The raffle proved successful also, as Áine took home a lovely gift. The tasty refreshments gave us Ramblers renewed sustenance for the long trek home well after midnight.

Thank you to our driver David together with the use of the Community Bus for getting us there and back safely. His kindness and professionalism was much appreciated.

You the people of Keenagh should be proud of your achievements in hosting an outstanding Rambling House event. It brought together entertainers and visitors of all ages, not just from the surrounding parishes, but Mayo in general, with some visiting from further afield. Looking forward to the next event!

The night's events concluded with a rousing rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann, long after the Moygownagh Ramblers were home, snugly tucked up in their beds.