Hammered in Belderrig with the Ramblers!
/An example of a Hammered Dulcimer
Following on from the receipt of a surprise invitation: a first for our group; to attend an event outside the boundaries of the Learning Forum, ten Ramblers travelled to Belderrig Creative Community Events Centre, to listen to local Belderrig man, Tommy Maloney, sing and play Guitar, with musicians from other locations blending in on Uilleann Pipes, Accordion and Hammered Dulcimer.
Guests from Moygownagh: Billy Heffron and Aine Agar further enhanced the evening's entertainment with songs, recitations and Fiddle playing.
Billy Heffron singing The West’s Awake in the Belderrig Creative Centre, with the Moygownagh Ramblers.
Gloria Hays gave a short, but informative talk on the origins of the Hammered Dulcimer which is found in many cultures of the world, including Ireland, dating back to the 1200s. It is a stringed instrument; with two small spoon-shaped mallet-hammers, that strike the strings to produce the music.
Thank you to Stephanie and Billy for organising the car-pool. Their generous gesture was much appreciated.