"Rhythm of Light" at Oweninny Visitors Centre, Bellacorrick

Moygownagh Ramblers lived up to their name on Thursday evening last, as they boarded Anthony Molloy's bus, in route to the Oweninny Visitors Centre, Bellacorrick, for some Bealtaine 2024 entertainment. The event was hosted in their beautiful building, courtesy of Mayo Arts Council and was facilitated by John Hoban. Opening the night's proceedings was a short movie,

"Rhythm of Light" exploring traditional skills, such as harvesting turf, fishing locally, weaving and manufacture at Foxford Wollen Mills, as well as a brief look at Ballyglass Lighthouse and it's importance to seafarers. Following on from this, came refreshments, song, dance, recitation and music. Thank you to Aine for suggesting the event, to Mary and Stephanie for sourcing transport and helping with our online bookings. An enjoyable night was had by all.

Rambling House Dates for June are Thursday 13th and Thursday 27th.

Author: Pauline Mahon